Thursday, July 3, 2008

What the Heck am I doing?

Somedays I just wonder if I really am cut out for motherhood. Like today. I had this brilliant plan that I was going to teach Landon how to eat today. I stopped his night feed at 6am. Then I tried a bottle at 8am. Nope, kept trying. At 12 I just gave him pedialite to keep him hydrated and let him sleep(no binki). Then I tried again when he got up. Nope. At 5pm we were having power struggles and I lost it. All day and he refuses taking a bottle to the point he is so mad that he works up a sweat and turns lovely shades.
at 7 I finally give in and just tube some nourishment down him. What the heck???! I don't know the lesson Heavenly Father has for me to learn, but I think I am going insane. Is it just my need to control things? I thought I had learned a while ago that I don't have control. Well I'm feeling it even more now. My poor husband.


Liz the Poet said...

Um, Sara, you're a great mom!

You only want the best for your boys, and Landon would have more freedom if he could take the bottle, so of course, you're going to try.

And, he wasn't ready. Oh well!

That's what parents are supposed to do: help their children stretch themselves, and then love them no matter what the outcome.

You do that every day! So, pat yourself on your back!!

Tammie said...

I'm glad liz commented first cause she said it much better then I could have! I will have to agree with her. It is kind of a free agency lesson think of you as the "ALL-KNOWING" parent who knows that if the child will stretch and try and work just a little harder he could make life easier for himself and those around him. But the only problem is that he is going to have to figure that out for himself. Just keep showing him how fun it is to eat;) He'll figure it out soon enough! Keep trying he'll get it before you know it!